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Barley Hill Primary School

Barley Hill Primary School
  1. Year Groups
  2. Year 6

Welcome to Year 6

TAs in Year 6:

Mrs McRae, Mrs Abbott, Mrs Churchman

SATs Week 2025

Learning Webs

Key Information

Year 6 Curriculum Overview

Our Typical Week & Timings

After entering the classroom at 8:45, Year 6 complete Early Morning Activities in their books which focus on Maths, Reading, Writing and SPaG skills, before moving onto the rest of their lessons. Please ensure your child is ready for 8:45 to ensure they are not missing out on key learning activities first thing in the morning!


Homework will be handed out on Fridays, due in the following Thursday. If your child would like to, they can attend Homework Club on Tuesday lunchtimes. Please note, if homework is not completed, this will mean that Thursday lunchtime will be spent inside completing this. This is essential for helping consolidate learning in the classroom and to also begin to get ready for the expectations of secondary school. Homework will consist of Maths, Reading, Grammar and Spellings.


We love reading in Year 6 and want to see your child enjoy reading as much as we as staff do! Please ensure your child is reading at least 3 times per week at home. Your child doesn’t need parental signatures in reading diaries, but we do insist on reading at least 3 times. Each time a child reads three times, they will add a tick to our Read to Succeed chart; once we reach 200 ticks, the class will receive a class reward. Which Year 6 class will get their reward first?!

Please follow the link below for guidance on books to read by the end of Year 6. Please also remember that library trips are a great opportunity for your child to broaden their literary range, so if you haven’t yet joined the library, please consider doing so!

Please use these links for quality book recommendations -https://images.scholastic.co.uk/assets/a/7a/f0/pie-corbett-yr6-1393301.pdf

100-Books-To-Try-And-Read-Before-You-Leave-Year-6 .pdf 

Additional Learning

Please find additional learning activities which can be completed at home - these aren't meant to be overwhelming, so please only a few at a time. 

t2-e-5141f-year-6-term-1-to-3-spelling-handwriting-practice-bumper-resource-pack-combined-cursive (1).pdf

Maths Video Links.ppt


Inference Short Activity

Making Inferences Treasure Island

Grim Garden Reading Comprehension

Inference Five Children and It

T3 Maths Videos .ppt

UKS2 Uplevelling Sentences Activity Sheets - Tiny Turtle's Huge Journey.pdf

UKS2 Uplevelling Sentences Activity Sheets - Time Flies.pdf


Booklet 5 - Vocabulary and Standard English - Answers.pdf

Booklet 4 - Punctuation - Answers.pdf

Booklet 3 - Verb Forms and Tenses - Answers.pdf

Booklet 2 - Sentences, Phrases and Clauses - Answers.pdf

Booklet 1 - Grammatical Terms and Word Classes - Answers.pdf

Year 6 SATs Survival - Number and Place Value Revision and Practice Answers.pdf

Year 6 SATs - Multiplication and Division Revision and Practice Answers.pdf

Year 6 SATs - Ratio and Proportion Answers.pdf

Year 6 SATs Maths Properties of Shapes Revision Booklet Answers.pdf

Year 6 SATs - Algebra Answers.pdf

Fractions Decimals and Percentages - Practice Booklet - Answers.pdf

Year 6 SATs - Addition and Subtraction Revision and Practice Answers.pdf
