Welcome to Year 3
Koalas Class Teacher | Meerkats Class Teacher | Lemurs class Teacher | ||||
Mr Taylor Mrs Horn |
Miss Sewell (Team Leader) |
Miss Freeland | ||||
Teaching Assistants supporting children:
Year 3 Curriculum Overview
How to help at home
Below are links for information to help with how we teach maths, reading and writing at school and ways you can help at home. There are also Maths videos below which support. In Term Two, our focus is on addition and subtraction first and then multiplication and division.
In Year 3 we learn the 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 10 times tables. You can find these here:
Videos for addition and subtraction:
Y3 Autumn Block 2 TS11 Add two numbers (no exchange) on Vimeo
Y3 Autumn Block 2 TS12 Subtract two numbers (no exchange) on Vimeo
Y3 Autumn Block 2 TS13 Add two numbers (across a 10) on Vimeo
Y3 Autumn Block 2 TS15 Subtract two numbers (across a 10) on Vimeo
Videos for Multiplication and Division:
Y3 Autumn Block 3 TS1 Multiplication equal groups on Vimeo
Y3 Autumn Block 3 TS2 Use arrays on Vimeo
Y3 Autumn Block 3 TS5 Sharing and grouping on Vimeo
Y3 Autumn Block 3 TS6 Multiply by 3 on Vimeo
Y3 Autumn Block 3 TS7 Divide by 3 on Vimeo
Writing and Reading:
For spelling and reading, the children need to know how to read and spell the Year One and Year Two common exception words. They can be found here:
Year 1 and 2 common exception words.pdf
Year 3 and 4 common exception words.pdf
Every child will be taught how to form their letters using cursive handwriting. They start with a lead in and end with a flick out. This is great to practise at home and you can use the sheet here:
Reading is the most important activity you can do at home with your child. Please try to read for 10 minutes each day, but at least three times a week. This will help your child to learn new vocabulary, read fluently and hopefully develop a love for books.
PurpleMash and Times Table Rockstars homework is set weekly. 5 minutes of Times Table Rockstars a day is a great way to help your child learn times table by heart.
Our school day
Our classroom doors will open at 8.45am and registration will begin at 8.50am. The children will be ready for collection at 3.15pm
Please walk your child to the exterior door of their classroom. There is no need to line up on the playground, once the door is open the allocated adults will be waiting inside to get started with the days learning. Please be aware that it is very difficult for the teacher to have a conversation with a parent at this time as we are trying to help the children with their coats and bags and get them settled. If you wish to speak to the teacher, please email the school office.
Year 3 will have PE outdoors on Mondays and Tuesdays. To allow more time for PE we will be asking children in Year 3 to come into school in their PE kits on a Monday and Tuesday. Children will remain in their PE kits for the whole day.
They can wear their normal school shoes to school on PE days and then change into trainers once on site so that we can keep their trainers in school for the Daily Mile.
Reading At Home:
It is really important to read with your child as often as possible. Your child will have the opportunity to change their school reading books at least once a week - please encourage your child to do this - which allows them to read the book three times in order to gain confidence and fluency. As you are reading it is useful to stop and ask questions about what the book is about, what the characters are doing and what might happen next. At the end of the book get your child to think about what they like or did not like about the book and reasons why.
Recommended texts for Year 3 - Year 3 Top 100 Recommended Reads Updated (Poster) V2.pdf
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