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Barley Hill Primary School

Barley Hill Primary School
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  2. Pupil Groups
  3. Pupil Leadership Team

Pupil Leadership Team 2024 - 2025

We are excited to share with you that we have launched our new Pupil Leadership Team for 2024- 2025!

Our Senior Leaders and School Governors were absolutely blown away at our Pupil Leadership Team Final! All of the presentations from EYFS to Year 6 were exceptional! Each child spoke confidently and explained clearly their reasons for why they should be part of the PLT and how they could make our school better.

Our Governors expressed how much they enjoyed the event watching our confident children perform and commenting that they are such a credit to the school. Thank you to Mr White and Ms Warner-May for supporting this event on behalf of our School Governing Body.


Pupil Leadership Team 1:

(Terms 1, 2 and 3)

Pupil Leadership Team 2:

(Terms 4, 5 and 6)

Freddie - EYFS

Oskar - EYFS

Pearl – Y1

Bea – Y1

Delilah – Y2

Livvy – Y2

Riley – Y3

Max – Y3

William – Y4

Scarlett – Y4

Darcy – Y5

Bobby – Y5

Ischia – Y6

Luca – Y6

As it was such a difficult decision and all presentations were of such a high standard, we announced both our 1st Pupil Leadership Team and our 2nd Team! These teams of children will complete a ‘term of office’ across three terms each. Our 1st PLT members will lead for Terms 1, 2 and 3 whilst the other children are deputies. They will then swap over roles for Terms 4, 5 and 6.

What is the Pupil Leadership Team?

  • Our Pupil Leadership Team is a group of children with a representative from each year from Reception to Year 6. 
  • These representatives have been elected by their peers to act as the official ‘voice’ for our pupils at Barley Hill Primary School.
  • Mrs Plested co-ordinates the PLT and they meet every 2 weeks to discuss ways to enhance school life at Barley Hill.

Roles and Responsibilities:

  • The Pupil Leaders will attend meetings and take part in discussions.
  • The Pupil Leaders bring the views of their classmates to the meeting to ensure they are acting as the voice of the children. They will also let their class know what was discussed and share feedback
  • The Pupil Leadership Team will arrange fundraising activities for charities such as Comic Relief, Children in Need, Sports Relief and the Poppy Appeal etc…
  • They will also come up with ideas on how to improve the school, working alongside our Teaching and Support staff, Senior Leadership team and Governors.

Useful Information about our PLT:

Pupil Leadership Team - Letter For Parents - September 2024

Finalists Pupil Leadership Team - Letter For Parents - September 2024

Pupil Leadership Team Events: 

October 2024: Our Pupil Leadership Team have collected some pupil voice about the new KS2 Playground zones about what is going well, anything they didn't think is working so well and what they want to improve! 
They decided they wanted to feedback to pupils, staff, parents and governors via a video sharing their main feedback! 
Please follow this link to our Twitter (X) page with the video clip:
October 2024: A HUGE thank you for all of our school community Harvest donations!  Our Pupil Leadership Team loaded up the whole of Mrs Plested’s car with your generous donations. Sharing Life Food Bank were very thankful for this support.

November 2024: Our Pupil Leadership Team have been busy creating posters to advertise our Children in Need event! They decided on the theme of: 'Wild and Wacky Spots' and presented prizes to the most creative outfits!

 We would like to express a HUGE thank you to you all for all your kind and generous donations for Children in Need 2024! We have raised an amazing amount of: £414!

November 2024: The PLT continued to think about UK Parliament week discussing Democracy and British Values. They have even written their own questions for our local MP Freddie Van Mierlo! We await his response!

December 2024: 

On Thursday 12th December the PLT invited all pupils to take part in Save the Children’s Christmas Jumper Day. All money raised went to Save the Children and will help make sure every child, no matter where they’re born, has essentials like food, water and a safe place to sleep at night, and will ensure children can grow up happy, healthy and become who they want to be. We raised a fantastic amount of £346! Thank you to all that took part and donated!


January 2025:

Barley Hill Primary School has chosen to be part of an exciting initiative to encourage more children and their families to walk to school. WOW – the walk to school challenge is delivered by Living Streets, the UK charity for everyday walking, to help as many children as possible experience the benefits of walking to school. Our Pupil Leadership team launched this new challenge to our pupils in assembly on Friday 10th January 2025 ready for it to begin! For more information about WOW Walk to School Challenge please click here. 


February 2025:

The PLT have continued to promote our WOW Walk to School Challenge and encouraged children across the school to take part in the WOW – Walk to School Badge Design Competition 2025. After February half term, the best three designs will be chosen by the Pupil Leadership Team and Class WOW Ambassadors from across the school to be submitted to the WOW Challenge.