Welcome to Year 2
Hamsters | Hedgehogs | Mice |
Miss Munro - Team Leader
Miss Walker (Thursday) |
Mrs Metcalf (Mon- Wed)
Ms Healy (Thurs, Fri)
Miss Walker (Mon, Tues, Fri)
Mrs Mayling (Wed, Thurs)
Our wonderful TA team consists of: Mrs Manning, Mrs Lupton and Mrs Johnstone. |
Please see our Welcome PowerPoint below:
Term 4
Term 3
Term 2
Term 1
Be Kind, Be Brilliant
Our school day:
Doors open and the day starts at 8.45am with Early Morning Learning
8.55am Register
9am Phonics
9.30 English
10.30 Snack and story/ Show and Tell on Friday
10.40 Break
10.55 Maths
12.00 Lunch
1.00pm Register and Reading
1.30pm Science/Geography/History/Art/DT/PE
2.30pm Daily Mile
2.45pm PSHE/Music/RE/Handwriting
3.15pm Home time
On a Tuesday the children will have indoor PE.
On a Thursday the children will have outdoor PE.
Children will need to wear their PE kit to school on these days.
On a Friday the children will visit the school library.
Forest School
During terms 2, 4 and 6 the children will attend Forest School for 1 hour a week.
Mice will attend on Wednesday, Hedgehogs will attend on Thursday and Hamsters will attend on a Friday.
Please ensure your child brings their Forest School clothes in a named bag on their day. Kit should include waterproof jacket and trousers, thick socks, gloves, hat, scarf, long sleeved tops and trousers, wellies/snow boots depending on weather.
Below is information to support your child's learning and there are some links to crib sheets which we have created to help with how we teach Maths, Reading and Writing at school. If you need any further information, please speak to your class teacher. We will update this page with further information as the year progresses.
We will begin the year by recapping our place value knowledge of numbers to 100. To help support your child with this, you can practise counting forwards and backwards to 100 from different given numbers. You could also practise making numbers to 100, by grouping sets of objects into tens and ones. Eg- 23= 2 lots of 10 objects plus 3 extra ones.
We encourage the children to play 5 minutes of Numbots per week which will help with their quick recall of number facts.
In Year 2 we learn the 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables. You can find these here: Year 2 times tables 2, 3, 5 and 10.pdf
Reading and Writing
For spelling and reading, the children need to know how to read and spell the Year One and Year Two common exception words.
They can be found here:
Year 1 common exception words.pdf
Year 2 common exception words.pdf
Every child will be taught how to form their letters using cursive handwriting.
This is great to practise at home and you can use the sheet here:
Please see quality books to read at home: https://images.scholastic.co.uk/assets/a/e9/cb/pie-corbett-yr2-1393273.pdf
Recommended reads for Year Two children - Recommended Books to Read for year two.docx
We follow the Sounds-Write phonics scheme and will continue to teach the children the extended code which they began learning in Year 1.
Please take a look at the Sounds Write section on our website, which includes links to a series of videos about how to help with reading at home.
Sounds Write intial code mat.docx
Reading is the most important activity you can do at home with your child. Please try to read for 10 minutes each day, but at least three times a week. This will help your child to learn new vocabulary, read fluently and hopefully develop a love for books.
We set 'Over and Above tasks' for the children to complete if you wish. Please see the Parents- Homework section of our website.
If you have any queries or questions, please don't hesitate to speak to your child's class teacher at the end of the school day.