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Barley Hill Primary School

Barley Hill Primary School
  1. About Us
  2. The Barley Hill Way Curriculum
  3. Art and Design

Art and Design

Barley Hill Primary School Art and Design Intent

Throughout their time at Barley Hill, the children will be inspired to explore an arts programme that extends beyond the National Curriculum. The children will be able to develop and think innovatively to develop their creative understanding. The children will be exposed to a range of artists and will develop their knowledge, vocabulary and artistic terminology.

Nurture: At Barley Hill the children will be given the opportunity to express themselves both independently and collaboratively. The children will feel empowered to be creative, make their own choices and follow their own lead. This will follow up with the opportunity to reflect and evaluate on their work.  The children can experiment in a safe environment where there are no right or wrong results, therefore, focusing on self-expression and self-esteem may be increased.

Curiosity: During their time at Barley Hill the children will be able to develop their creative imagination through using the Kapow Scheme of Work. This will allow the children to express their creativity and imagination. They will also be provided with the opportunity to develop and master key skills in art; drawing, textiles, printing, sculpture and painting. The children will have the opportunity to explore a range of materials and media throughout their time at the academy. This art work will be supported through the study of key artists. The children will develop their knowledge of these artists and their work.

Diversity: The Kapow Scheme of Work will develop the children's understanding of cultural heritages. They will be exposed to a diverse range of artists, craft makers and designers from different cultures, countries and backgrounds.

Ambition: Through the opportunity to explore a diverse range of artists, the children will develop a sense of high expectation and will challenge themselves. The children will be encouraged to share and take ownership of their work. They will be given the time to reflect and share in their process, thinking about the changes they can make to develop their mastery or Art and Design techniques.


Art in Action at Barley Hill

There are five strands that run throughout our Art & Design curriculum:

  • Making: painting, drawing, printing, creating 2 & 3D art and crafting
  • Generating ideas and taking inspiration from a range of artists and crafts people
  • Formal elements: colour, form, line, pattern, shape, texture and tone
  • Knowledge of artists' work and techniques
  • Evaluating: critiquing their own work and that of others

These strands are carried out through the Kapow Scheme of Work using four core areas:

  • Drawing
  • Painting and Mixing
  • Sculpture and 3D
  • Craft and Design

This provides teachers with greater clarity over knowledge and skills progression within the four areas. This also allows the children to have the opportunities to develop mastery by revisiting core subject knowledge and applying that knowledge practically in a range of contexts with growing complexity. 

Kapow develops pupil’s knowledge and understanding of key artists and art movements through the units and links to artists through practical work.  Each unit fully scaffolds and supports essential and age-appropriate sequenced learning. Creativity and independent outcomes are embedded in units, supporting pupils in learning how to make their own creative choices and decisions, so that their art outcomes, whilst still being knowledge-rich, are unique to the pupil and personal.

The Art & Design curriculum is designed in such a way that children are involved in the evaluation, dialogue and decision making about the quality of their outcomes and the improvements they need to make.  By taking part in regular discussions and decision-making processes, children will not only know facts and key information about art, but they will be able to talk confidently about their own learning journey, have higher metacognitive skills and have a growing understanding of how to improve.  Children should leave primary school equipped with a range of techniques and the confidence and creativity to form a strong foundation for their Art and Design leaning at Key Stage 3 and beyond.

The expected impact of following the Kapow Primary Art and design scheme of work is that children will:

★ Produce creative work, exploring and recording their ideas and experiences.
★ Be proficient in drawing, painting, sculpture and other art, craft and design techniques.
★ Evaluate and analyse creative works using subject-specific language.
★ Know about great artists and the historical and cultural development of their art.
★ Meet the end of key stage expectations outlined in the National curriculum for Art and design.

Long Term Planning and Progression of Key Skills & Knowledge EYFS - Year 6

Key Vocabulary Progression