Barley Hill Primary School Science Intent
At Barley Hill Primary School, It is our intent for pupils to be fully immersed in every aspect of science and for them to recognise the importance of Science in daily life. We ensure the teaching and learning of science has the importance and prominence it deserves by delivering a well-rounded, engaging curriculum. We use White Rose Science as programme of study which enhances our quality first teaching. The scientific area of learning is concerned with increasing pupils’ knowledge, understanding of our world, and with developing skills associated with science as a process of enquiry. It will develop the natural curiosity of the child, encourage respect for living organisms and the physical environment and provide opportunities for critical evaluation of evidence. Science is encouraged to be hands on, investigative and fun.
Science teaching at Barley Hill Primary School will promote:
- First hand experiences of scientific planning, enquiry and reporting;
- An awareness of the relationship between STEM subjects;
- Enthusiasm, engagement and enjoyment of science;
- An understanding of the world around pupils and how they can care for it;
- Knowledge of how science impacts children’s lives in different ways every day;
- A respect for the natural world and a care and appreciation of it.
Science in action at Barley Hill
Science Long-Term Overviews
Progression of Scientific Skills Year 1 - Year 6
Year Overviews Year1-Year6