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Barley Hill Primary School

Barley Hill Primary School
  1. About Us
  2. The Barley Hill Way Curriculum
  3. Computing


Barley Hill Primary School Computing Intent

The intent of the Computing curriculum at Barley Hill is to equip our pupils with the foundational knowledge and skills necessary to understand and navigate the digital world effectively.  By introducing them to computational thinking, coding and computer literacy, we aim to foster their problem solving abilities, creativity and digital citizenship from an early age.

We use Project Evolve for a progression of Online Safety lessons from EYFS - Year 6 to equip them with the valuable skills required in an ever increasing technological world and how to do so safely.

In the early years curriculum, computing may not be explicitly outlined as a standalone subject. However, aspects of computing can be effectively incorporated to help children achieve early learning goals, including those related to understanding the natural world.

Lessons are interactive, hands on and use a range of educational resources to introduce key concepts such as algorithms, logical reasoning, programming languages and digital tools.  Our teaching methods emphasise active learning, collaboration and critical thinking; enabling students to develop computational skills through practical application.  The Computing curriculum promotes inclusivity and prepares students for future opportunities in the digital workforce by equipping them with essential skills and fostering a passion for technology.

In addition to this, we will provide our children with the knowledge and understanding of how to keep themselves safe on the internet and how to be responsible and respectful internet users.

In teaching Computing at Barley Hill, we want an outcome where our pupils to be empowered by their learning; becoming proficient users of technology who can navigate digital environments with confidence.  Our pupils will have gained a deeper understanding of how technology works, enabling them to make informed choices and engage responsibly in the digital world.  

By engaging with the Computing curriculum our pupils will be digitally literate, creative thinkers who are technologically fluent and can thrive in the rapidly evolving digital society. 

The Purple Mash Computing Scheme of Work is a comprehensive set of resources aligned to the National Curriculum for Computing, Technology and Digital Competence.  The scheme of work is intended to facilitate teachers in achieving the very best outcomes for children.  It exposes children to a wide variety of digital tool, technological skills and innovations.  

The inspiring and engaging lessons allow for flexibility to meet individual needs.  Lessons are delivered from plans which include slide shows to visually demonstrate the skills and knowledge being taught.  In addition to this, there are 'catch up' units which enable teachers to close gaps in learning.  

The scheme for the EYFS shows opportunities for using Mini Mash and Purple Mash as part of the EYFS experience and supports pupils in working towards the Early Learning Goals.

Key Stage 1 Objectives
Pupils should be taught to:

  • understand what algorithms are
  • create and debug simple programs
  • use reasoning to predict the behaviour of simple programs
  • use technology purposefully 
  • recognise common uses of information technology beyond school
  • use technology safely and respectfully,
    • keeping personal information private;
    • identify where to go for help and support when they have concerns

Key stage 2 Objectives
Pupils should be taught to:

  • design, write and debug programs that accomplish specific goals
  • use sequence, selection, and repetition in programs; work with variables and various
    forms of input and output
  • use reasoning to explain how some simple algorithms work and to detect and
    correct errors in algorithms and programs
  • understand computer networks including the internet; how they can provide multiple
  • use search technologies effectively and safely
  • select, use and combine a variety of software (including internet services) on a range of
    digital devices to design and create a range of programs, systems and content that
    accomplish given goals, including collecting, analysing, evaluating and presenting dat and information
  • use technology safely, respectfully and responsibly;
    • recognise acceptable/unacceptable behaviour;
    • identify a range of ways to report concerns about
      content and contact

Online Safety Progression EYFS - Year 6

Progression of Skills & Knowledge Year 1 - Year 6

Parent Resources