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Barley Hill Primary School

Barley Hill Primary School
  1. Information
  2. SEND
  3. How Do We Identify & Assess Pupils With SEND?

How Do We Identify & Assess Pupils With SEND?

At Barley Hill Primary School, we understand that some pupils need more support than others to achieve. Many pupils may need help throughout their time in education, while others may need a little extra support for a short period to help them overcome more temporary problems. We aim to support all pupils to participate in school life and learning to the best of their individual abilities. 

We use the graduated approach of Assess-Plan-Do-Review,  adopting the recommended model for special needs set out in the SEND Code of Practice (DfE 2015). 

SEND needs can be identified for a range of reasons such as:

  • Lack of progress despite receiving a differentiated curriculum;
  • Low achievement;
  • Requiring greater attention in class due to learning difficulties;
  • Difficulties in specific areas such as communication, attention or speech and language;
  • Requiring specialist material or equipment support for sensory/physical problems. 

Children’s progress is assessed regularly by staff as part of the school tracking process. If progress is slow, speaking with parents and ensuring high quality targeted teaching is in place is the first step, accompanied by in-class interventions. Class teachers raise any concerns with the SEN team through an Early Identification process, which creates a clear picture of need which is tracked by the SEN team through the Assess-Plan-Do-Review approach.

If, after monitoring, there is still a concern the SENDCo will work with the class teacher and phase leader to decide whether the child's needs should be formally recognised through the SEN register.

In collaboration with parents and carers, if it is decided to add the child to the SEN register, our teachers will create a Pupil Profile. This profile will outline the desired outcomes and actions to meet these outcomes. Such actions might include different teaching methods, appropriate equipment, strategies to use in classroom and targeted interventions to aid the child's progress.

Outcomes and actions are reviewed regularly during the SEND Review Meetings, which are held with parents or carers and class teachers 3 times a year.


If you have concerns around your child’s progress at school, the first person to speak to is your child’s class teacher. If you still have ongoing concerns and would like to discuss your child’s special educational needs, you may wish to speak to a member of the SEND team.